September 09, 2005

I feel like writing*

DS has gone to get his passport today. It's looking more and more like he'll be gone from tomorrow until at least Thursday. It will be my first time sleeping alone since I moved here. My birthday will come and go without him. I really don't like it when he's gone. Even if I'm not directly interacting with him, I appreciate his presence. My dad has suggested that I wait on my birthday party. But really, it wasn't going to be much of a party anyway. Perhaps I'll just have MT come over. She's been so busy lately that I haven't seen her in forever. She's not even online anymore, at least, not when I am.

Spinning Girl recently posted a long reflection on blogging life. When I started this, I thought blogs were stupid. I started mine simply because DS had one. Sometimes, I like to fit in. I didn't get the point though. For a long time, the only other blogs I read were by people I knew. I always checked my StatCounter to see if new people were coming. I got excited when people from other countries came to see me. I wondered at people coming and not staying. Why weren't people commenting. Somehow, I stopped caring if people commented. It's funny to me that the people I now frequent are all a result of reading MT's blog. Just Thoughts and The Columnist Manifesto were links on her sidebar. Monkey had left a random comment which intrigued me to check him out. A crazy zoo experiment led me to check out Spinning Girl, who then kept my audience through her love of Tolkien and Lewis. (I'm dying to see that new movie, btw.)

Now I have people I only halfway know sending me postcards from Italy. When DS says, "What are you laughing at?" my response is usually something like, "Look what Monkey just said!" And how many people have dragons named Calzone harrassing them on a regular basis?

Just the other day, I was IMing MT about how busy we both were suddenly. We marvelled at how quickly we both went from being online all the time, to hardly ever. I actually said, "I feel so out of touch with the world now, which is weird, now that I'm actually spending some time in it."

All this internet friend stuff reminds me of being in, I don't know, 8th grade. My parents bought a computer, and we got dial-up. The internet was still relatively new at that time. Chat rooms were all the rage. Internet boyfriends didn't automatically make you think of 40-year old pedifiles. I spend every night in those chat rooms, talking with my "friends", falling in love. I remember one time I ended up with two different boys named David Castleberry proclaiming their love for me, because I had looked them up and gotten them confused. Whoops :) Maybe blogs have in some way replaced chat rooms. I know Spinning Girl doesn't shy away from holding conversations through the comment option.

Well.. This has taken me forever to write. It was pointless, but I felt like wasting my morning online. I miss the online world. However, now I have to start getting ready for work. Will someone remind me why I insisted upon getting a job when I could have stayed home all day doing things I like instead?

*When I started this, I thought I felt like writing. Looking back, it appears that I felt like linking instead.


Calzone said...

you so cool sleep.

Sleep Goblin said...

You and me both Calzone.. you and me both.

Spinning Girl said...

Great post.
I think my blogging needs to slow down as work gets underway, or both will suffer.

Sleep Goblin said...

I know! Everytime I go, you've put up like three things. Chill out girl.

Monkey said...

I love the heat miser!

Well, I just got to read this today, Saturday, September 10th because real life has been keeping me busy for the last day and a half.

Spinning Girl's and now your post have both had me thinking about why I started blogging too. It started with Slappy. He encouraged me to get my own blog. So the woman helped me get my blog up. But she was so sad, and often made me sad, which made the blog sad. After a month I took it down.

Then the man told her to put my blog back up, and Slappy did too. So I put a new one up in July, and the rest is history. I love blogging. It is like the old days of chat rooms (circa 1990), long before I was born, but the woman tells me those "were the good old days". And conversations in the comment section?? The more the better I say!

Yes indeed. I babbled. I scratched. I sniffed Sleep Goblin and smiled.