June 07, 2005

sleep goblin = cricket slayer

so... I just got finished telling my boyfriend that blogs are STUPID!

"blogs are stupid"


"they're just people's lame diaries. i don't understand why you would put your diary online for all to see. i don't understand why anyone would make a point to read other people's diaries. it's just dumb."

"eh. it's just a place to rant."

and look.. here i am, making a blog. why you ask? well, truth be told, i'm pretty lame. but mainly, i wanted to make a cool place to put my profile picture.


Dragonslayer said...

And a mighty fine profile picture it is.

Jesse said...

You do realize that you'll now be hooked on the blog. It's a slippery slope, I tell you.

Anonymous said...

I gave up trying to explain blogs to people. Either you get it or you don't.

Sleep Goblin said...

Well, so I don't get it. Wouldn't be the first time my tiny brained missed the hidden splendor in something.

Now really, all of you stop staring at my inner thoughts! What kind of internet is this? I thought I had a virus blocker....