December 17, 2005

8 Days until Christmas

Merry Christmas to ME!!


DS's family got together and bought us a new vaccuum, which arrived in the mail yesterday! I'm SO excited!! You don't know what it's like trying to get up all my hair with that measley excuse for a vaccuum DS had. But no more! This puppy is the real deal. It even has a light that lets you know when the floor is clean, and when it's dirty. And I know it works, because it stayed on dirty for a long time when we tested it out. Now I can rest easy when I sit on the floor. Yippee!!

Also, you can all be excited too! I sent your ornaments out yesterday through priority mail, which means roughly by Monday, you'll have presents too!


Calzone said...

accidental loss of linkage. I put a bunch of new ones up and got rid of some I didn't mean to..I'm kind of a neophyte with this stuff.

Sorry sleep, will put you back up.

*Monica said...

That vacuum could kick mine's ass!

kimberlina said...

whoa-ho-ho! big 'ol christmas to you! how very exciting! your vacuum is totally awesome - i almost got the one w/ the light that tells you how dirty you are, but then i was afraid it'd laugh at me. or blind me with the light intensity. YOU ARE A DIRTY GIRL, it would scream.

and seriously, so excited about the ornament!