December 13, 2005

12 Days until Christmas

Look what I have!!

The Official 2005 Sleep Goblin ornaments are done and ready to ship! They come in 3 designs:




Please be aware that I have limited quantities, so if you're interested, they will be sold first come, first serve at $6 a piece. Send your orders to my e-mail account, and I'll ship them out ASAP. I don't mind making more if there is a lot of interest, but I can't promise the second batch will be done in time for Christmas. Also, feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions!


The response has been huge. As of 12:44 pm cst, I have one skier and one snowboarder left. I can still make more, but the post office only gaurantees delivery by Christmas if they're mailed by the 19th. With that in mind, please let me know ASAP if I should be making more.

For those of you that have so kindly placed orders, thank you!! Your support means a lot to me.


mlk said...

Love it! If you've got a snowboarder left, I want it!

Monkey said...

My stupid email isn't working at the moment, but I should have it up and working by tomorrow, Friday. In the meantime, I would love one of each. I'm with your dad. No rush, I'll use them next year. But wow! I love them so much.

(If you email me, I can return an email to you through my server... pain in the butt, but but but my iMac has a cold.)

Bundle UP!