June 22, 2005

That's a pool?

I don't have much to post today. I went for a long walk with my brother this evening, and that's about it. So to keep you from boredom, I give you this -

DS went swimming with some of his friends yesterday, and he generally takes his camera on outings and shares the pictures with me when he gets home. Yesterday he forgot, so he drew an illustration in something other than Microsoft Paint, though I can't remember what. Whatever it was, it didn't help his skills much.

SG: "Which one is you?"

DS: "The one out of the pool."

SG: "Why are you wearing arm floaties?"

DS: (very offended) "Those are muscles!!"

SG: "They look like arm floaties..."

DS: "You just don't appreciate good art!"

Oh well, you know what they say.. anything can be art these days. ;)


Dragonslayer said...


Jesse said...

S.G., you can't truly experience R without the giant Dragonslaying muscles.

Hah. Katie.

Sleep Goblin said...

*sigh* I had hoped for his friend's sake that they were floating face up...

And Jesse, you should know I know about his "giant Dragonslaying muscles." That doesn't mean his drawing looks any less like he has on floaties..