June 19, 2005

Rantoul and Oglesby

Here are the other quilled cards, as promised.

This one is named Oglesby Hennepin, and I made it for tRJ. He likes dinosaurs.

And this is Rantoul Heyworth, which I made for DS. You know, so he could slay it. They were both named after road signs on the way to Madison, mostly because they amused me on the long drive. Now, don't you wish your girlfriend was so cool? I know you do!


Jesse said...

Well, I know that to the casual observer you would appear cool. But one might wonder if you had so much energy to put into making these cards--which clearly took a lot of effort--how could you not have time to bake up some transvestite santa cookies, hmmm? I'm onto you.

Sleep Goblin said...

Jesse, I promise you that this Christmas, unless I've come to severely dislike you once seeing you on a regular basis (unlikely), you will get your transvestite santa cookies.

Jesse said...

Cool status reinstated provisionally.

Sleep Goblin said...

Who do I know that's doing that? Oh wait, it's you!!

Maybe we should just going into business together. After all, we'll be living in the same town soon enough.

Sleep Goblin said...

Hooray! A challenge!