December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!!

Santa brought Winston and Felix an array of goodies!  Look at all of those new toys!

Felix is very fond of their new cat bed.

Winston was interested at first, but quickly went back to his old standby.

Look at him go!  Can you see the little pink and white mouse he's after?

This is his favorite game, and he is taking full advantage of DS being home this week.

As for DS and I, we used our Christmas money to get a new HDTV!  It's not here yet, but we're trying very hard to be patient.  We also got each other some books and video games.  We thought it was pretty funny that we both got each other such similar things.

Now, I'm going to make a BUNCH of Christmas cookies, because I love doing that, and DS is going to make me a roast chicken!  We're loving our first Christmas at home, and we hope you're having a wonderful time wherever you are too!

Merry Christmas!


Wandering Far said...

Sounds like lots of fun.

kimberlina said...

hahaha! invisible wii!

winston wants to get in on the tennis action.