January 07, 2008

Be Forewarned

Just because you got a new HDTV and have become obsessed with your new Mass Effect game does not mean you can neglect your household chores... Litter box stink will not be your only punishment. Cats retaliate in much harsher ways when angry. I'm just saying.. remember to get off your ass every one in a while, or plan on doing extra laundry...

(Sorry Winston)


kimberlina said...

haaaaaaaaaaaaa hahahaha :)

Unknown said...

You're disgusting.

Wandering Far said...

Hee hee,
They'll treat you to a little "Mass Effect" of their own. All over your new sneakers.

Ookami Snow said...

I have seen that you can train cats to use the toilet... maybe a little work in that area and you will have more Mass Effect playing time.

Code name: 1% said...

My roommate considered trying to use the toilet in the basement to train his cats to use it. An interesting plan that never got implemented because we quickly found out that humans having access to a second toilet is perhaps more important.

You have been making some gorgeous earrings lately. I'm jealous.

Spinning Girl said...

My favorite is wet cat throw-up.