June 02, 2010


There is a momma raccoon that lives around our building.  I can hear her sometimes at night, but other than a flicker once while DS was grilling, I've never actually seen her.  Tonight I heard her, and managed to see her running along the fence that separates the little patios for the downstairs apartments.  She was out with one of her kids.  I grabbed the camera and went out to see if I could catch her from a distance, but was surprised to find them in the tree running up the front of the apartment.  I guess she thought if she came down and walked away some, she would get me away from her kid, which she left in the tree.  I kept my distance, got a couple of shots in, and vamoosed.  I certainly don't want to run her off, nor did I want to risk rabies.  Check out that stance man.  She's like, "I don't want to, but I will eat your face if I have to."


Dragonslayer said...

Glad it wasn't the mom or all of the babies that we heard getting eaten behind our apt a month or two ago

Code name: 1% said...

"I don't want to, but I will eat your face if I have to."


kimberlina said...

... you heard some animal being... eaten? you sure it wasn't your leftover chicken wing bones?! let's hope so...

she's adorable, btw. and i'm sure she'd have clawed at you, froth mouthed, if she had rabies. you're in the clear!