A whirlwind photo tour of the last two weeks
Sunday, July 15th:
Friday, July 20th:
Saturday, July 21st:
Sunday, July 22nd:
Posted by
Sleep Goblin
8:29 PM
I have about 150 pages to go in book 7. It's mesmerizing. DS keeps asking me what I'm laughing about, or exclaiming about, or generally making a rucous about, and I keep telling him to start from book 1 and catch up. He doesn't like that.
On the plus side, a conversation about the movies led him to tell me that the first movie came out around the same time as the Fellowship of the Ring, and that he had decided the Harry Potter movie was much better. He actually said he was BORED through Lord of the Rings. I know what you're thinking, this isn't a plus side. It's cool, I'm getting to it. Somehow, me telling him how at length how much more amazing book 5 was on paper made him decide that Lord of the Rings might be worth reading. Huzzah! I'll make a proper nerd of him yet.
In other news, I have been up to my ears in social outings. At any other time, this would be way more totally awesome, but right now, it's somewhat stressful. I'm starting to have little panic attacks when I see the large stack of empty, unpacked boxes. So much stuff is still not packed up, and I'm not entirely sure when I'll find time to get to it all. Plus, we have a deadline at work, and it's looking like I'm going to be working 60+ hours this week. *shudder*
So yeah, I'm scarce at the moment. But I do have like 80 pictures on my camera from all this time. Slumber parties, multiple baseball games, company picnic, wedding receptions... lots of stuff. Hopefully, I'll find time to mess with uploading them soon.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have an obsession to attend to so I can move on to the other things I need to get done.
Posted by
Sleep Goblin
8:43 PM
I don't know if it's the summer heat, vacations, or what, but blogging life has been boring this summer. Every day without fail, I check everyone's blogs to see who's updated, and am usually sad to see mostly no one.
So it is with great pleasure that I announce the return of two of my favorite bloggers. (To be fully honest, Julienned Carrots has been back for a while, but I'm slow. Check Engine Soon, whom I'm sure you're recognize, is fairly recent.) Hooray! More ways to pass away the time and avoid packing!
So now find their links over there on the right and go! (Janelle, I'm talking to you in particular, just in case you've missed it.)
Posted by
Sleep Goblin
1:00 AM
Today my blog is exactly 2 years and 1 month old, and this is my 400th post. (Don't pay attention to the post on 6/1.. that was a more recent one that I backdated so it wouldn't show up, as it's linked from the main page.)
Blogging has had it's ups and downs for me. For one, it's harder to escape the negative influences, as they can easily stalk me here. But, I've made so many wonderful friends, several of whom I've actually had the pleasure of meeting or corresponding with offline. These people have been a blessing, and they make the downs well worth it.
And now, because I don't yet feel like unloading the various pictures on my camera from the last 2 weeks, here's a meme from Gimchi.
The Rules are:
* We have to post these rules before we give you the facts.
* Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
* People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
* At the end of your blog post, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
* Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
1) I am an obsessive pack rat, and still have every single letter, card, and note I've ever received/taken.
2) It scares me to read stories about people with OCD, because I see pieces of myself in them and worry one day I'll fall off the edge of sanity.
3) Ever since elementary school, I've had the odd habit of rubbing my nails across the skin near my mouth and then smelling them and taking comfort.
4) I will also occasionally do this with the erasers on top of pencils, but seeing as how I mostly use pens now unless doing a crossword puzzle, this is more rare. I prefer the white erasers
5) I will only use checks, stamps, and pencils that decorated and not plain. For example, right now I have Care Bears checks, Star Wars stamps, and Powerpuff Girl pencils. I believe this makes the little things in life more enjoyable.
6) When I was a child, I fully believed I had power over the rain, which was fueled by the several times I managed to get the rain to stop and start again simply by thinking about it. Sometimes, I still think I can do this, but age brings the awful wings of doubt.
7) I often see things out of the corners of my eyes, and I'm sure they're ghosts or some other being generally thought to be imagined.
8) Despite the dismal failure of my last round of ornaments, I still dream of selling the things I make and being successful enough to do it full time.
I don't feel like tagging people either. But feel free to do it yourself.
Thanks to my loyal readers for two great years!
Posted by
Sleep Goblin
2:11 PM
Okay okay!! You've asked for a review, and you shall have one. IT WAS SO GREAT!!!
There were a couple of places where it was so corny DS and I groaned. But overall, it was so great, that I'm willing to overlook those spots. I mean, they really couldn't have made the robot fighting any more awesome looking. It looked so real! *sigh* Just great.
I fully recommend that you watch it. And don't forget to stay for the credits. There are two funny parts, and one very important part that hints at a sequel....
Posted by
Sleep Goblin
10:44 PM
I hope you all know how important this day is. Not tomorrow. Tomorrow can suck it. (Though Matt and I are going to have a nerd party [read: watching star trek], and then DS and I are throwing a small video game/cookout party.)
No no. Today is much more significant, because it is the opening day of the new Transformers movie. And you can bet that DS and I are going. And it will be so totally wicked awesome. I've been trying to mimic the noise they make when they transform for days, and DS assures me that by no stretch of the imagination do they sound like that...
Oh man, I'm so excited!
Posted by
Sleep Goblin
6:33 PM